Smart Energy Systems

  • 9 Agosto 2023


Copenhagen, 12-13 Settembre 2023


The aim of the international conference is to establish a venue for presenting and discussing scientific findings and industrial experiences related to the subject of Smart Energy Systems based on renewable energy, 4th Generation District Heating Technologies and Systems (4GDH), electrification of heating and transportation sectors, electro fuels and energy efficiency.

The Smart Energy System concept is essential for cost‐effective 100% renewable energy systems. The concept includes a focus on energy efficiency, end use savings and sector integration to establish energy system flexibility, harvest synergies by using all infrastructures and lower energy storage cost.

Conference topics:

  • Smart energy system analyses, tools and methodologies
  • Smart energy infrastructure and storage options
  • Integrated energy systems and smart grids
  • Institutional and organisational change for smart energy systems and radical technological change
  • Energy savings, in the electricity sector, in buildings and transport as well as within industry
  • 4th generation district heating concepts, future district heating production and systems
  • Electrification of transport, heating and industry
  • CCUS and PtX technologies and the production and use of electrofuels in future energy systems
  • Planning and organisational challenges for smart energy systems and district heating
  • Geographical information systems (GIS) for energy systems, heat planning and district heating
  • Components and systems for district heating, energy efficiency, electrification and electrofuels
  • Renewable energy sources and waste heat sources for district heating

Info: SESAAU2023



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