4th International Solar District Heating Conference

  • 22 Agosto 2016


Billund (Danimarca), 21 - 22 Settembre 2016


Solar District Heating Conference (SDH) will take place at Billund, Denmark, from 21 to 22 September 2016.

All the activities and sessions will involve market actors and policy makers from countries with new and developed markets that will share their know-how regarding market preparation and support instruments.

During these two days there will be the opportunity to visit one of the most modern Danish large-scale SDH plants in Gram combining 44 800 m² solar thermal collectors, a heat pump, gas cogeneration plants, an electrode boiler and a 122 000 m³ thermal energy storage.

Meanwhile, professionals from the Solar District Heating sector will present their products and services in the exhibition area.

The preliminary program is available on the Conference webpage (below), as well as further information about the registration process.

Information: SDH 2016

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