The European biogas market is set to witness strong growth on account of growing focus toward decarbonizing the energy sector supported by a multitude of legislative schemes and policies. Increased production and use of biogas to support the circular economy and renewable energy mix will stimulate the industry growth in the region.
According to recent report published by Global Market Insights, Inc. says Europe Biogas Market is expected to surpass USD 6 Billion by 2025.
The World Biogas Association estimates that by 2020, the biogas sector in the Netherlands has the potential to produce 1.2 billion m3 of biogas or 0.75 billion m3 of biomethane, increasing to 3.7 billion and 2.2 billion m3 respectively by 2030 (Green Gas Forum, 2014). Significant growth is expected in biogas from manure, sewage sludge, grass and seaweed.
This is why we are excited to announce that ACI’s 5th Future of Biogas Europe Conference.
This 5th annual two-day conference will once again provide a senior level platform and bring together senior executives & experts from the entire value chain including power producers, technology providers, agricultural sector, food and beverage industry, waste industry and leading technology and solution providers.
Join us in Amsterdam to discuss the latest challenges and developments making an impact on the industry and benefit from excellent networking opportunities.
Last Year’s Attendees Included:
STX Group * FLOGAS BRITAIN LTD * TOTAL * Cellwood Machinery AB * BP * Pöyry Management Consulting Oy * Nature Energy Green Gas Sales A/S * EDF * Element Markets LLC * Marubeni Europe Plc. * NEDGIA * CM Biomass * BioMCN B.V. * Daimler AG * Carbon Limits * BD Environmental Solutions * Swiss Association of Gas Industry * N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie * Universitat Politecnica De Catalunya * Galp Power * Pitpoint * GasTerra * Tekfen Construction And Installation Co.,Inc. * OX2 Biogas AB * Fluxys S.a. * Sychem SA * Cadent * BayWa R.e. Green Energy Products GmbH * National Physical Laboratory * DMT Environmental Technology * Element Markets * Dansk Gas Distribution A/S * Krieg & Fischer Ingenieure GmbH * John Laing Capital Management * International Biogas and Bioenergy Center of Competence (IBBK) * Wyke Farms * Orange Gas * Good Energy * Malaby Biogas Ltd * Bareau BV * Veolia Water Technologies Techno Center Netherlands B.V. * ERGaR * Landwaerme * Ammongas A/S * Westport Fuel Systems * AFS Energy * Volvo * Green Gas Certification Scheme * E.ON Bioerdgas GmbH * European Biogas Association (EBA) * Renault Group – Alliance Research Division * REA * Dansk Fagcenter for Biogas * Future Biogas * Nature Energy * GRDF * Clearfleau Ltd and many more…
Info: Future of Biogas Europe