MENA New Energy 2019

  • 4 Gennaio 2019


Dubai, 26-27 Marzo 2019


Win Tenders, Secure Captive Opportunities and Reach Financial Close. A PV, CSP, Wind, Energy Storage & Clean Tech Conference & Exhibition

With growing domestic energy demand, regional environmental targets and cost competitive technologies driving a clean energy transition across MENA, this is a vital time for the renewable energy industry to secure partnerships and develop frameworks for the complete project life cycle.

Which is why MENA New Energy brings together 500+ leaders from across the core pillars of the renewable energy value chain.

Meet with the decision makers behind utility-scale and C&I projects to understand who they are, what projects they are planning, upcoming opportunities for partnerships and review the latest initiatives to reach financial close – all at MENA New Energy 2019.

Info: MENA New Energy 2019

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