mini wind

  • 18 Febbraio 2013




The report presented here is taken from the latest available data from the GSE Bulletin 1st half of 2012 updated to 30 June 2102.

It considers all wind turbines installed benefiting from incentives (Green Certificates or Feed-In Tariffs), does not count plants connected in Net Metering and the stand-alone installations which are estimated for at least another 500-1000 kW.

We have divided the power classes in 6 primary ones, considering the connection voltage (single phase or three phase), division of feed-In Tariffs, bureaucratic facilities for installation and requirement to new register.

The last classes from 60 kW to 250 kW have been added considering what was the previous Feed-In Tariffs and also considering the range over 200 kW requested by international customers and not widespread in Italy.

The plants are divided into installed, qualified and total. The installed plants are already working and are final, and can be certainly considered active in any calculation.

The qualified plants are those that have already obtained the qualification IAFR (Renewable Energy Systems) and tend to begin to work in the following months (many of these are currently already on) but some plants will elapse for some deadline or other factors. However, these are an interesting fact that denote the market trend of the last installations both as the power and as the location.

The total includes the sum of the previous two and indicates the installed power at the end of 2012.

It is possible that because of the rapid growth in the last year, now the power is higher but not far from these numbers.

The incentive dynamics that will take place from 2013 with the new Feed-In tariffs and the register for plants likely will change these trends further with greater growth of the range within the 60 kW.

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