A guide to the selection and installation of mini wind turbines

  • 12 Gennaio 2012


QualEnergia.it, in collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering, University of Trento, will publish a comprehensive technical guide for the selection and installation of small-scale wind turbines addressed to consumers and companies.


QualEnergia.it in collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering, University of Trento, will publish a comprehensive guide for the selection and installation of small-scale wind turbines addressed to consumers and companies..

The class of wind turbines from 1 to 200 kW covers a wide variety of technology solutions. These turbines are suitable for a wide variety of installations, ranging from open fields to turbines close to homes, industrial centres, called urban or sub-urban applications, and those on buildings.

Despite their size, mini turbines have technical complexities similar to those of larger turbines, and in some respects more critical points. One of these is that they normally operate close to where they should produce power, even if the area is not particularly windy.

A correct placementis (siting) critical to the success of the investment. Although there are many business models in the market, with regard to performance many manufacturers do not provide reliable data on power nor certain indications on obtainable electricity or noise emission levels.

These aspects, associated with an unfavourable cost/income ratio, due to the high cost of the anemometric analysis, now tend to reduce the affordability of these machines in the field of residential energy (1-3 kW) as compared to the PV industry, for example. This created the need to rationalise choices and make installations with expertise in order to maximise the benefits that the recent Italian legislation has introduced with a special all-inclusive tariff.

Author: Eng. Lorenzo Battisti (Faculty of Engineering of the University ofTrento)

Structure of the Special

  • Types and technological aspects

  • Classification

  • Power or energy?

  • Turbine selection criteria

  • Turbine placement criteria

  • Market barriers

  • Economic aspects and incentives

  • Installation and maintenance

Companies in the industry

The Special will include data sheets of companies that manufacture, sell or install mini wind turbines.

Published: February 21, 2011

Information:  Marketing QualEnergia.it
Maristella D’Amico: [email protected]  
Dario Abballe: [email protected]
Tel. +39 06 485539 / 4882137

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